Ornamental fish keeping in Jamaica Jamaica is the home to several ornamental fish. Some of which are kept in several regions as pets. I have visited my local rivers and have seen Jaguar cichlids, called dog teeth, Goby fish, mosquito fish, guppies, mollies, fire mouth and other fish species I have no idea of their actual names. A few fish keeping enthusiast like myself has taken the initiative to catch and keep some of these list fish species as pets and in some cases have breed and sold some to local pet-shops. The current ornamental fish trade in Jamaica is considered either un organized or top secret to all whom are looking on as a willing participant within this internationally lucrative potential economical enterprise. Many small ornamental fish keepers do exist in Jamaica. Most have entered into the trade first as a hobby and have expanded their network as a business as time progresses. To me several potentials exits for this enterprise to be streamline ...