Do I really need a filter in my fish pond or aquarium ?

 Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by my blog post. I have been asked the question " do i really need a filtration system in my fish pond or aquarium? " . Many aquarist have their own style of keeping their aquarium fish. Some persons although keepers of aquarium fish are more in tuned to other areas  than the fish itself. Some persons use the waste of fish / occupants of ponds and aquariums to nurture their plants or crops in specially designed  grow out planting beds with vegetables and flowers grown for both trade and personal domestic use. It is very difficult to suggest that you all will be successful in keeping your fish outdoor as I do. I live in the tropics and only experience a wet and dry period.

In response to the actual question, filtration in aquariums is not needed in outdoor systems. You see, based on experiences I have had over the years, having plants in your ponds works better than an actual filtration system. A pond laden with plants and soil is guaranteed to be healthier than a fish pond without plants and soil depending on a mechanized filtration system, heavily dependent on electricity. 

You see, plants uses the waste produce by aquatic creatures. These waste produces nitrate and nitrite , with the breaking down of nitrogen within the water by particular nitrifying bacteria. This aid in the healthy growth of plant. In exchange for these nutrients from the fish/ aquatic creatures, the fish receives oxygen from the plants. Plants such as Eldora Densa produces excessive amounts of oxygen which is used by aquatic creatures, these include but is not limited to snails, fish, shrimps etc to name a few.

Before you can attempt this feat however there are a few steps you should take. I will share these with you in my next post. While you wait on this post, check out my youtube page @

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