
Showing posts from January, 2022


  Pseudotropheus lombardoi (kenyi) mbuna cichlid and the Pseudotropheus demasoni mbuna cichlids, what is the distinct difference between the two? Both Kenyi and demasoni cichlids are African cichlids. Both are found in the lake of Malawi . To complicate matters even further the Cynotilapia afra also known in the hobby as Dog tooth cichlids do bare some resemblance when small as both. It should be noted that this fish too   is an mbuna and is also found in lake Malawi. Lets start with this cichlid, the afra cichlid or dogtooth cichlid, is a small species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi in East Africa, where found in rocky habitats. The genus name roughly translates as dogtooth cichlid which describes the sharp, conical unicuspid teeth unique to this genus within the Lake Malawi species flock. I have never kept this fish and would love to get a few. For now I will settle with my stock of Kenyi and Demasoni. Physical description: The body is elongated and the forehead is steep...


  Of late I have been hearing much being said about aquarium fish originating from African. These fish being popularized within the hobby are primarily from the Malawian river basin. Not much is said about fish stock from Central American Aquarium fish species. Today a comparative analysis will be done in part to explore the merit given to both group of cichlid fish species popularized within the aquarium hobby or fish keeping hobby. Let’s focus our attention on Central American fish species. First and foremost, it should be underlined in any literature on this topic that a wide variety of cichlid species originates from Central America. Several are popular within the aquarium hobby. The natural habitat of these fish species are characterized by volcanic lakes, flowing rivers and natural lakes and streams found in Central America. Unknowingly to many, some freshwater cichlids originating from Central America are known to adoptable to brackish environments. Like cichlids origina...