Of late I have been hearing much being said about aquarium fish originating from African. These fish being popularized within the hobby are primarily from the Malawian river basin. Not much is said about fish stock from Central American Aquarium fish species. Today a comparative analysis will be done in part to explore the merit given to both group of cichlid fish species popularized within the aquarium hobby or fish keeping hobby. Let’s focus our attention on Central American fish species.

First and foremost, it should be underlined in any literature on this topic that a wide variety of cichlid species originates from Central America. Several are popular within the aquarium hobby. The natural habitat of these fish species are characterized by volcanic lakes, flowing rivers and natural lakes and streams found in Central America. Unknowingly to many, some freshwater cichlids originating from Central America are known to adoptable to brackish environments.

Like cichlids originating from Lake Malawi in Africa, several Central American Cichlids are intelligent and having brilliant colours and patterns. Similar to Mbuna Cichlids found in Lake Malawi, several Central American Cichlids spawn in caves and rocks. As the name suggest, both parents help to protect babies from predators, at least for the first few days of their life.

Some popular central American cichlids include but is not limited to , convict , fire mouth, Oscar , Jaguar , rainbow , salvini , Texas, Jack Dempsey , red devil, an aquarium having three or more combination of the above listed central American cichlids could be easily referred to as an aquarium of death.

The African list of cichlids is also intense in aggression. These fish like the list of Central American Cichlids can be considered colourful.   There are several groups of African cichlids. With each group comes a specific behavioural characteristics and colour pattern. Other than the varied strains of  tetrasguppies, and gouramis, there are several types of peacocks, mbuna and other species of cichlids found in Africa. Cichlids are one of the most diverse groups of fish and many species can be found in Africa.

To be frank, one can conclude that more groupings of cichlids fish can be found in the freshwaters of Africa, running from east to the west. According to scientist, presently over one thousand five hundred cichlid types have been documented, with several being identified each year by scientists.

Some scientist is of the opinion that cichlids found within the Lake Malawi region have morphed into different groupings as a result of interbreeding. In addition to the contrast between African and Central American Cichlids, there is the contention of the American Cichlid and those from Asia to become popular within the aquarium trade.

When comparing both central American and African Cichlids, African Cichlids will fetch a higher price within the pet shop. In addition, African Cichlids tend to be hardier than Central American cichlids. Regardless of the comparison between both groupings of cichlids, it should be noted that cichlids are grouped into three categories, mild aggressive, and semi aggressive and aggressive with exclamation mark. Although practiced by some aquarium enthusiast in Jamaica and throughout the world, the mixing of cichlids from both regions should not be done. Both groupings of fish require different parameters so as to maintain a healthy and balance life. I should declare, I have a few African Cichlids and Central American Cichlids, both are packed with their very own personalities. Join the conversation; leave a comment in the comment section below.



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