Fish keeping Jamaica, Am I getting soft in my criticism about problematic fish keeping topics ?

 So I have looked at several shares I have done over the years. I have realized that the frame of visitors to my youtube channel have changed. Some of my so - called good friends no longer publish on youtube. a few have died and some have become my nemesis. I have always been a Christian throughout my life. I have experienced several critical slurs and barbs and innuendos by persons i have been associated with over the years. I have chosen my battles won most and lost a few. I an tired of the games and fights it only makes me age more faster.

There is alot to be said about fish keeping. The youtube platform has afforded me the opportunity to share my ideas, learn new ideas and collaborate with awesome people on separate and combined projects. This experience has allowed me to grow personally as an individual and have shaped my perspective on the path that i should take in fish keeping. Although many suggest that the " fish keeping community" exist, that's it. Just a community not a community of friends. Many fish keepers hate competition so they try very hard to belittle each other. I use my association with international fish keepers to be more learned about the hobby.

So my trolls are working really hard to get my channel on youtube off the internet. Whether or not they become successful, really does'nt phase me anymore. I am like not caring a bit. Life continues with or without youtube. With me there yes or no they will always be that " a troll". A ugly beast wanting love but gets it no-where other than from its parents or its look alike.

So in answering the question am I getting soft in critical expression. No I am not, just being reminded by a thought I have learnt years ago, " sometimes the best way to win a fight is to walk away". Also I am more enthused with emphasizing love and gratitude to my audience and facilitating shared knowledge throughout the virtual space. So that's my come back, Thanks for reading this post. Its not my regular post theme but I thought I had to put this out there.

One question bothers me though, so you hate me that much, cool, your life, why subscribe to my channel or blog? I think this fetish with my work is mental case needing serious medical responses.




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