SOCIAL MEDIA DELEMA | Hypocrites and Racist

  Its been a while since I have written a piece. This was partly due to my channeled energy in getting my very own youtube channel monetize. This feat was achieved and I now feel a sense of accomplishment re: my monetization achievements. Today, I share with you a topic which have been bothering me for years. I have never spoken much about it publicly before. Today I now feel the urge to just spill my guts. 

The idea of a share on any social platform can be phenomenal. Being popular goes with many variables and responsibilities. One such variable is the matter of associates and skin colour. In addition, in the mix is one's location. Not surprising I discovered some really knowledgeable folks on Ornamental fish keeping. These folks are not actively involve in YouTube postings but are actively involve in fish keeping. These persons have shied away from the spotlight, not doing any activity which puts their own life in danger or others associated with them either. Ohh yeah, these persons are black and are Jamaicans. These persons wishes not to be video graphed or mentioned on social media. For that I respect and opted not to interview using any device which may contravene their wishes.

The thought of fish keeping being associated purely with a particular race, based on youtube portfolios re; fish keeping channels now in operations is so far from reality. In reality, resources determines the acceptance of  individuals within the hobby. Some hobbyist like myself have been be-little by others, they have hinted smartly, suggesting that they are the best since slice bread.. I beg to disagree. Show casing one's fish stock using location and highlighting social class and race as a platform to integrate one's self within the top tier of the hobby of fish keeping just will not cut it.

I have been referred to as nigga,  idiot and other names in which I wish not to repeat at this moment. Regardless of these name calling, I still stand firm in calling several fish tubers, racist, bigots and hypocrites. Some of these very same so called community members have in the past yearned for subscribers from anyone whom would pay attention to them in the past. Now that they have attained stripes and friendship from some so- called elite within the hobby, they no longer view themselves equal  as the rest or other hobbyist.

It is sad that just to score popularity status , some  fish tubers has whipped clean the images of their past associates from their minds and their list of channels they are associated with. These same fish tubers have now become a narcissistic sociopath thinking they are at the top of their game. Some believe they are so talented they are needed by the community of fish keeping hobbyist more than they themselves need them. Some like myself has been through a gamut of episode which if fate should have its way in their mindset, my channel on YouTube would no longer exist. Some Hobbyist whether drunk or sober ,makes it a regular spew venom on other's within the community effort to share what they know or have discovered. Its so condescending that many hobbyist ignore and accept it as minor infractions.

Fish keeping in not a white man's hobby. Fish keeping originated from the east and found it way to the west a few years ago. the habit of keeping fish in glass boxes mirrors the social class structures which emanates from the bigots of the game here on the internet and on youtube itself. The pricks and dicks are so messed up , they get premature ejaculation every time ideas are shared which does not originates from them.

I have seen many great fish keepers wondered on the platform called YouTube and have slowly regressed into the abyss because of the un friendly gestures which encircles them within this sphere. The once humbled early Sunday morning  fish keeping streams became so potent, that they have decreased with the realization that their once core group has disassociated themselves with them. Some YouTubers I held as up standing individuals have so disappointed me recently I am no longer holding anyone as a confidant. I have been given a strike for calling out this doctor guy from India, after it was discovered he is a dam troll.

The lack of trust within the fish keeping community has become so apparent everyone is afraid to speak their mind. Everyone fears everyone, not wanting to be given a strike by the social media giant Youtube . To me personally, the re-posting of young and up coming fish tuber's work was such a commonality it illuminates the thought of lack of ingenuity on the part of several self proclaimed " super star" fish keeping channel. I think I can get a few thousands of subscribers on my youtube channel, by simply pulling down and recreating the same setup , over and over. If that doesnt work I might just, record a sad story about my younger years , hopefully I will receive empathy from my viewers.... Hahahahahaha , naah I am not that desperate to be popular. I was never drunk and ended up in a bar brawl and ended up into prison. I never Served time for drugs nor gang related activity. I believe in hard work and ingenuity.

In Jamaica, there is a popular saying, one which says, humble calf sucks the most milk. In lay-man's term. Whenever you humble yourself, you will receive what you need with ease. I find this mode of sharing my gut feelings is more simply and pointed. Although others may find it difficult to interpret since they are hell bent on finding other ways ( black mail) to be at the fore of the conversation in streams and popularity.

I was once warned by really kool upcoming fishtubers to help him get back into the rings of popularity or else. I was later slapped with a copyright claim when I refused. I realized lately that this is a medium in which some fishtubers have been using to muzzle the speech of those speaking out against their, racist, ignorant, hypocritical ideals ,sociopathic and narcissistic mentality.

So as to bypass the scrutiny of those deemed as watch dogs of the internet and social media the work of lawyers and publicist are coming into play with threats of lawsuits and  copyright take downs. I give-up. The social instinct of some of you are so thwarted restitution to fair and justified assumptions will just never happen. 

In summary, I thought they were my friend but you just try to use me to get by. I thought you respected my colour, but that was just for about an hour. Your suggestion of not being sober speaks volume , whatever you say when you are drunk illuminates your character. I am still here and will be unless I decide to leave. Copyright or no copyright, you are a dick or prick and will never get a tick in my class. To you who associate yourself with that guy whose racist and a hypocrite , a Jamaican proverb says " today for me tomorrow for you. ooh I almost forget, you said you left the Caribbean to me, dam dude, get an atlas, read your history. 

Have a great life in prison or out. This was just a shout.


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